Hi,I used LIS2DS12 in a previous design and i appreciated the high number of embedded function, expecially the integrated step counter; unfortunately i cannot use the same accelerometer in a new design since my power supply is 3V3: is there any equiv...
I know that CTRL3_C, IF_INC defaults to auto-increment of register address.I am trying to stream accel/gyro register data from the device by sending a SPI read command to register OUTX_L_G. The SPI controller is configured to read 12-bytes. The regis...
Hello Support Team,I am working on the LIS2DW12 Sensor with Wake-up feature.Issue :Getting Zero on ALL_INT_SRC (3Bh) read while Falling interrupt occurred.Description :Configuration : Operation :Why does Falling Edge interrupt show Interrupt status a...
In I2C mode for the IIS3DWB device the datasheet says it only support single axis mode because I2C is too slow to get the data. I want to use I2C mode to configure either wake up or activity thresholds for all 3 axis and then configure the interrupt...
Hi,I'm using ULD to get measurements from VL53L1X. My case need to get 9 ROI - divided FoV into 3x3. When I run such measurement procedure it with 2x2 = 4 RoI - It's okay. But when I get 3x3 RoI in a similar way I get measurements such as max u16_t =...
We are using the FIFO compression feature of the LSM6DSO32 which is working well for us if we use it standalone at 833 Hz. When we add the 4 FSM's that handle our motion recognition we start seeing duplicate tags in the compressed output implying tha...