When testing the ST BLE SENSOR app and SensorTile.box pairing, can I disable the SensorTile.box firmware upgrade message popup in the ST BLE Sensor app?
helloi use STEVAL-MKI178V2 (adapter board) + STEVAL-MKI109V3 (motherboard) with UNICO-GUI ver9.13.i try "Absolute wrist tilt" example as it described in "AN5040 - Rev 3".The questions are:- in "A_WRIST_TILT_Mask (59h)" register, each bit by itself wo...
Is it possible to run any of the ST PDM mic sensors with a spread spectrum clock input? What implication does that have on audio quality? For example, is it possible to run any of the sensors with a clock input of 3.075MHz PDMCLK with 0.5% center spr...
Hi there,The spec for the LIS3MDL doesn't include I/O voltage thresholds like Voh, Vol, Vih, Vil. Can anyone point me to a reference for these? Seems like basic info that should be included in the spec. Maybe I missed it, but I've checked a couple ti...
In my project i am using LSM6SOX sensor to generate the interrupt for every 10 degree incrementation on X axis. I found this link...https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STMems_Standard_C_drivers/blob/master/lsm6dsox_STdC/examples/lsm6dsox_fsm_raw.c ...
We have commercial product based on the LSM6DS3 and are now moving to the IIS3DWB (in combo with the STM32L412). One of the cases we often encounter with customers is the observation of "slow" phenomena (like large machines moving slowly). This was r...
On loading the firmware to the MKI 109, the ST Cube Programmer yielded a unique serial number for each of the 109 devices. However, I can not get the ST Cube programmer to reopen the connection once the firmware is updated. This is a problem because ...