2023-02-14 1:39 AM
I would like to use the digital interface (not sure what that means) of an existing system control computer to control the recording (start & stop, perhaps gain etc.) from digital MEMS microphones (I2S or PDM). Which hardware options do I have, and how could I control the recording via scripting etc.?
2023-02-14 7:51 AM
Hi @WGebh.1 ,
For a direct acquisition with PC (through UART / USB) of a digital MEMS microphone (PDM), my suggestion is to use the X-NUCLEO ecosystem, and in particular the X-NUCLEO-CCA02M2 board. You can plug for example the STEVAL-MIC006V1 in the 6-pin headers. This is general purpose hardware. If you need a more specific application, you might have a look at this list.