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I use LIS2DS12 This is my init function   void LIS2DS12_Init(void) { uint8_t ctrl_1 = 0x72; //0111 for 6.4kHz ODR [7:4], 00 for 2g [3:2], 1 for high frequency available[1], 0 for BDU not activated [0] uint8_t ctrl_2; // [6] for soft_reset, [1] for ...

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fru999 by Associate III
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Resolved! Common SPI - LPS22HB pressure/temp sensor

Dear ST technical support.Please can you advise the pin configuration and bus timing (period between active devices) to allow me to connect three of your LPS22HB pressure sensors in parallel on the same SPI bus?The CS pin is used to enable the SPI fu...

DuncanR by Associate II
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LIS3MDL: unexpected readings

Posted on June 05, 2017 at 20:31Hi,We're using LIS3MDL to detect changes in the earth magnetic field due to various metallic objects flowing in the sensor proximity. So, we are not interested in the correctness of the absolute values in order to pro...

LIS3MDL - Problem with readings after calibration.

We embed lis3mdl on our board that we produce, most of them are perfect, unfortunately there are single pieces where the magnetic north is wrong, the heading is wrong by up to 60-100 degrees. What could be the reason ? Regards. 

TBart.1 by Associate II
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I have a problem of power down of ASM330LHH

As you can see, I was doing a test where I tried setting the gyroscope and accelerometer to power down mode and gave it a 10ms delay, which I called time 1, while I again turned the gyroscope on The accelerometer is set to high-performance mode, and ...



We need ~50k 6-axis IMUs for an application that will experience > 2000dps yaw rate and highly dynamic motion. The spec sheets for the ISM330BX and LSM6DSV32X seem to not paint a complete picture regarding the angular zero-rate at different G_FS angu...

phly by Associate
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Issues with 3 LSM6DSV16X on the same SPI bus

Hello, I am trying to interface a TI MCU with three LSM6DSV16X sensors using SPI communication on the same bus. My setup consists of 3 chip select lines with a 10 kΩ pull-up resistor (on all sensor boards), POCI (MISO) with a single 10 kΩ pull-up res...

Nico5 by Associate
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