Resolved! LSM6DSO32 INT2 Pin to the GND?
Hi, in my application I will not use INT2 pin. Is it okay to connect INT2 pin to the GND?
Hi, in my application I will not use INT2 pin. Is it okay to connect INT2 pin to the GND?
I am evaluating the LPS22HH for a product, but the device acts a bit unreliably. After power-on, sometimes the BOOT_ON bit in INT_SOURCE (24h) is never cleared.I wait for at least 500ms before checking the BOOT_ON bit, so that should be plenty of tim...
I read document AN5209. This said " VDD must be lower than 0.2 V for at least 10 ms during power-off sequence for correct POR. (3.1 Figure 2)"If POR did not finish correctly, is there the possibility to be read the un-correct data?
Dear ST Hello,I am trying to use the ISM330DLC 3D accelerometer and gyroscope with the stm32F329Discovery board and I am facing some problems when I want to read and write all the registers every 10 ms ISR period.I want to try to change the registers...
I am trying understand the sampling rate of lis3mdl on the Z axis. The datasheet has only stated on setting the ODR of X and Y but not Z. Only the performance of Z can be set. During testing, I have noticed that the Z axis sampling rate is slower tha...
Dear ST,I am using the ISM330DLC gyro and accelerometer,In the electrical connection mode 1 I have a pin called VDDIO.In my application I connected this pin to 3V but, I don't have any idea what is the use of this pin?Thank you for explaining
I have a MMC5603NJ (i2c addr 0x30) connected to SDx and SCx on LSM6DSOX with INT2 pin grounded. I can see with logic analyzer I2C transactions on BOTH the Slave and Master interface, but every time I try to access a register in MMC5603 on Master bus...
Hello,I am integrating multiple sensors from ST, all of which are connected to a central processor via I2C. Occasionally, I find that the LPS22HB is unresponsive at boot up. When the central processor attempts to read the WHO_AM_I register, there is ...
I am bit-banging since my CPU doesn't have native SPI compatible with the LIS3DH.To initialize the chip, I write:0x57 to Control Register 1 (DATARATE_100HZ, XYZEN) {see pic CR1Write.jpg}0x80 to Control Register 4 (BLOCKDATAUPDATE, SCALE_2G) { see pic...