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RoHS Exemptions 7(a) & 7(c)-I Remove Plan

Refer to the RoHS pack 22 Final report, RoHS exemptions 7(a) and 7(c)-I are possible to be expired on July 1, 2024. Could you please advise if STMicroelectronics has any plan to remove exemptions for the below parts? LD1117DT33TRSM15T100CASTPS8H100G-...

YYao.1 by Associate
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STEVAL-MKI208V1K conecting to nucleo F401

Hello I want to connect to the STEVAL-MKI208V1K via STEVAL-MKIGIBV2 (conected those both togheter) , with Nucleo-F401RE. I conected pins as it is shown belowF401RE-> MKIGIBV2MOSI (PB3 -> SDAMISO -> SDOSCK -> SCLPWM/D6 -> CS3v3 -> VDDGND- >GNDI want t...

KDług.1 by Associate
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Wrist tilt and "funny" data in FUNC_SRC2

Hi,I trying to get the wrist tilt working. I have used the example in AN5040 page 55.I using the simple example setup, nothing else is set. Write 20h to CTRL1_XLWrite 84h to CTRL10_CWrite 01h to DRDY_PULSE_CFGWhen reading the FUNC_SRC2 it always retu...

TStee.1 by Associate
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How to continuously read LSM6DSRTR data under Linux iio?

I am using​ LSM6DSRTR, and the device-tree compatible is "st,lsm6dsr".I can see two iio device node under​/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device1 /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device2But when I try to read in a python loop, it gets really slow.​Anyway better to ...

WYang.9 by Associate
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