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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.16.1 released

STM32CubeIDE 1.16.1 was released on as well as an in-tool update patch aligned with STM32CubeMX v6.12.1 that is available for download. Main issues fixed in this minor release: Fixed issue when install OpenSTLinux MP2 plugin from OpenSTLinux r...

STM32CubeIDE 1.16.0 released

STM32CubeIDE 1.16.0 was released today on as well as an in-tool update patch. What is new in 1.16.0?Microcontroller and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX v6.12.0 : STM32C0, STM32WB0 and STM32MP25XXAdded CMake support for multicontext projec...

Resolved! Change target microcontroller

This is a question about STM32CubeIDE.When creating a new STM32 project, you select the board, but if I select STM32F412 and edit the program, can I operate the STM32H743 microcontroller?(We will adjust the pin configuration accordingly)

Linux installation error

d64.deb'Note, selecting 'st-stlink-udev-rules' instead of './st-stlink-udev-rules-1.0.3-2-linux-all.deb'Note, selecting 'st-stm32cubeide-1.15.1' instead of './st-stm32cubeide-1.15.1-21094-20240412-1041_amd64.deb'Note, selecting 'segger-jlink-udev-rul...

shri1 by Visitor
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Resolved! USB_OTG_HS fails on STM32H723VGT

           Hallo everyone,I tried to export the measured data of my project on a WeAct-3.0 STM32H723 board as an USB_OTG_HS stream to a Virtual COM Port on my Windows desktop. Unfortunately, I fail to get this operational, despite many trial and erro...

FredS by Senior
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Resolved! CubeIDE CPP project and Assembly Include

Hello,I have problem with including assembly code into my C++ project.Include section of main.cpp:#include "asm_math_wk.h"asm_math_wk.h file:#ifndef INC_ASM_MATH_WK_H_ #define INC_ASM_MATH_WK_H_ extern void megawkurw(uint32_t test); #endif /* INC_A...

Wikte by Visitor
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Code generation deletes HAL Drivers

Hi everyone,I recently started programming STM Microcontrollers. I'm using STM32CubeIDE 1.13.2 to setup my project.I want to build a modular software, where some necessary peripherals are initialized from beginning and others are initialized dependen...

DN19 by Visitor
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