2024-09-23 11:49 PM
I've created a new project and the IDE has stuck in the "Please Wait For Clean Up" state for more than an hour, and I cannot cancel it! Should I wait for another hour or should I kill the process and then lose all my work in the workspace?
2024-09-24 12:24 AM - edited 2024-09-24 12:26 AM
Up to you - i would look at cpu load : if nothing changes (i had similar "java-crashed-states" , constant cpu use 35% or so) , then kill it (the java thing - right ?)
Restart IDE might work - or not.
If not there is a way to use the workspace again, just without IDE remembering all your open windows and sizes etc.,
this you have to open/adjust again then...so try:
>> To fix this, just remove this file inside your workspace:
>> .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.e4.workbench/workbench.xmi
>> Hope this solves the issue.
>> (this file is the responsible of saving your workbench layout)
2024-09-24 2:14 PM - edited 2024-09-24 2:16 PM
CPU load: 101%
1. I killed the Java process. In recent versions of the IDE (>1.12.1) this means to lose all my work (happened me more than once), so I was afraid of killing it.
2. After I killed the process and when I tried to load the IDE again, closing every other processes, the IDE refused to open. Noooo!
3. I killed again the Java process, and then I deleted the folder for the newest project from the hard-disk.
4. I loaded the IDE again... and this time it opened, so I didn't lose my work, only the newest project.
5. I created the project again (with no other apps running: Java had the 100% of my CPU). Success so far.
I'm using the 1.12.1 IDE release for these reasons:
1. It's more stable than newers (ST doesn't care about stability).
2. Newer releases ask you to login and, worst, they are constantly communicating with the ST servers, this means that if you turn-off your Internet, then the IDE stops working. BTW, ST servers are slow as hell.
2024-09-24 2:36 PM - edited 2024-09-24 2:53 PM
i use 1.13.1 and 1.14.1 (at work) , both running fine (most time - you know...).
But : remove all update/info/login settings, to freeze the actual state and have no "bad surprise" !
So: cancel login, an in settings disable update/search for new.../send info ...offline mode.
then much better, stable. Try.
Update only, if you need it ! Because you use new cpu, or want/need new features - but this is pandora's box also.
so: menu -> window -> preferences ->