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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.16.0 released

STM32CubeIDE 1.16.0 was released today on as well as an in-tool update patch. What is new in 1.16.0?Microcontroller and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX v6.12.0 : STM32C0, STM32WB0 and STM32MP25XXAdded CMake support for multicontext projec...

I2C Slave “Repeated Start�? Callback?

STM32F105, HCLK=72MHz, HAL Ver, SCL = 100KHzIs there a “Repeated Start�? HAL callback? I couldn’t find any direct reference but does the STM32 I2C peripheral know when this occurs and set a status bit somewhere?In my application, I can’t allo...

curl for stm32

Hello, is there a curl library for stm32? If there is a sample video clip it will be helpful for my studies. want to use http request for json file by curl or another way if...

non by Associate III
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IOC CubeIDE viewer doesn't render in Linux Mint

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.When I try to open the IOC viewer either the IDE freezes or the view isn't rendered properly, as you can see below. This misbehavior breaks my working flow and makes me waste a lot of time. Any ideas?

Captura de pantalla de 2024-03-07 23-23-07.png
XR.1 by Associate III
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RAMT component integration issues

Hello,I am facing issues while integrating RAMT(ram test) component. As per our doc,they are suggesting to add some compiler options COMPILER_OPTIONS_ramt_algo += --diag_suppress=Pe1053 to mute some errors.Already I have added this in the Miscellaneo...


Resolved! How to step in the disassembly view?

I'm trying to debug something at the assembly level (mostly compiled from mix of C).  Once I get to a point in my C code I then jump to some memory address where other code is loaded.  With a breakpoint there I want to open up the disassembly view an...

musmuris by Associate II
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