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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.17.0 released

We are pleased to announce to you that the release 1.17.0 of STM32CubeIDE is available. What is new in 1.17.0: Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX: Added the support for the STM32N6 seriesAdded the support for ...

Error on entering debug mode

Hi everyone,After using IAR and Keil for several years, i decided to try STM32IDE.I generated an initialization code using STM32cubemx, and used STM32IDE for compiling and programming my STM32 board. However, it generated an error and was not able to...

AJafa.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! Why no example code for STM32F0Discovery?

The STM32F0Discovery board comes with accompanying example source code, traditionally. However, now, the relevant download page advises that this is all provided by STM32Cube, but it is not. There is NO example code in the STM32CubeMX / IDE for this ...

Resolved! How to change memory areas in CubeIDE?

If I need to change memory areas in project (for example for Read-only memory I need 0x8080000 start, 0x40000 size), how can I do in in CubeIDE ? (addition) I have found Build analyzer, but the fields are not changeable, only view.

STM32F4 training ?

Hi, I have found 12 videos on Youtube for the STM32CubeIDE - basics but these require the use of a Nucleo-G071RB board.I have an STM32F407VGT6 based Discovery board. Does ST provide any training materials for the STM32F407 line of MCUs utilising the ...

SElli.11 by Associate III
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I have a Nucleo-F030R8 and a STM32 Discovery MB1034B which has an STM32F051R8T6 which I am programming from the STM32CubeIDE environment. They don't function the same in Device Manager definitions of capabilities.

Under the Device Manager "Universal Serial Bus devices" \tThe Nucleo board is identified as "ST-Link Debug" whereas the Discovery board is identified as "STM32 STLink" though they show the same driver. Further, the Nucleo creates a "COM" device whic...

RSimp by Associate II
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STM32CubeIDE update 1.4.2 cannot be found on 1.4.0

OS: openSUSE LinuxTrying to update from 1.4.0 to 1.4.2 by clicking Help->Check for updatesResult: "No updates found. Configure available software sites to reach more content."STM32CubeIDE Releases is enabled and when I reloaded it, I saw that it does...

VNorr.1 by Associate
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