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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.18.0 released

We are pleased to announce that the release 1.18.0 of STM32CubeIDE is available. What is new in 1.18.0: Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX 6.14.0: Added the support for STM32WBA6xxx microcontrollers in the STM...

STM32CubeIDE Error / bug

Hi   I m working on NUCLEO-H723 Board,  was programming SPI and is working fine, when trying to add USART function to display text on serial terminal and encountered the following errors, unable to make sense what went wrong, anyone can help ? thx.  ...

Resolved! How it is possible to use GDB with FreeRTOS support?

Hello!I need to debug multiple tasks but when I try to enable FreeRTOS support (Debug configurations/Debug/Enable RTOS proxy/FreeRTOS+ARM_CM7) I can't connect to my MCU (STM32H743) with a message box saying "Could not verify ST device" while console ...

ktrofimo by Senior III
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Resolved! How to retain unsed constant variables

Hello,I define following constant string, indicating the program version.static const char version_s[] __attribute__((used)) = "V.10";This string isn't used in other part of code, but is only defined with the purpose to put in the binary file, a stri...

CTabo.1 by Senior
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Resolved! DEBUG mode @ stm32CubeIDE

Hi, I come across debug mode using stm32 IDE and i would like to know whats the difference between serial wire and Trace Asynchonous sw? I know both are use when debuging the Nucleo144 board. And if u wana use a IC chip which mode should i use? JTAG ...

Resolved! ST7789 not working

Hi,I can't get a simple ST7789 screen working I have tried using this library:- double checked all the connections (including external 8MHZ crystal) and all seems to be fine, I have tried various different s...

Linkpad by Associate III
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I am working on USB custom HID. I wanted to understand where is CUSTOM_HID_REQ_GET_REPORT is implemented.Whenever input comes from HID PC suite as Set Feature I can collect data in CUSTOM_HID_OutEvent_FS.But when input comes from Get Feature, in whic...

nmv by Associate
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