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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.18.0 released

We are pleased to announce that the release 1.18.0 of STM32CubeIDE is available. What is new in 1.18.0: Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX 6.14.0: Added the support for STM32WBA6xxx microcontrollers in the STM...

Not sure if I converted ST-Link into J-Link properly

Hi,I would like to use SEGGER System View. In order to achieve that I need to convert ST-Link to J-Link firmware. have followed instructions here.Then, I have performed below configuration.In order to make sure whether conversion is OK or not, I flas...

demir by Senior II
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Resolved! ST Link connection issue

Hi,I have converted ST Link into J link by performing instructions here.Afterwards, I converted J-Link into ST Link. But, I can not use ST Link driver. I can not connect to the board via ST Link. I get this error below. Could anyone help me with this...

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demir by Senior II
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Resolved! UART not working as expected

Hi,When I run the below code, I get the result on serial console as in below image which is not as expected. Could you please let me know what I am missing here ?   int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ DWT->CTRL |=(1<<0); /* USER CODE END ...

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demir by Senior II
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STM32CubeIDE opens on non-present screen.

Win 11 Laptop with external (large) monitor.When the laptop is then used without the external monitor, apps should open on the internal one.Most do; STM32CubeIDE (v1.13.0) doesn't - it still positions itself as it the non-connected screen were still ...


Resolved! Debugger hangs when starting a timer with interrupt

I'm using an STM32F446RE MCU on a custom board and I developed a custom bootloader. The bootloader starts at 0x8000000, while the application code starts at 0x8008000. Inside the bootloader I use timer 14 with interrupt and when I need to jump I use ...

DamianoF by Associate II
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Resolved! GPIO initialization for STM32F769I-DISCO

Hello,I want to do GPIO initialization for STM32F769I-DISCOhere, i am using those pins in my code: {GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = EV2_Pin|AF1_Pin|WF5_Pin; GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP; GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL; GPIO_InitStruct.Sp...

Dynamic memory allocation problem

HiI have a weird problem and do not understand where it could come from and thus do not know how to solve it. I am adding list entries to a list, and it seems to function correctly when I add them hardcoded. However, when attempting to add an entry r...

MFäh.1 by Associate II
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