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For STM32WLE5JC older example on FL_HAL 1.1 and 1.2 .  Is there a tool to do HAL WL Lib upgrade to latest 1.3?  Or it is easy and safer to leave it as with older HAL. Or, we need to create an empty STM32 porject with latest WL HAL Lib and then copy u...
1.  Does these two parts have same SubGHz radio?2.  NUCLEO-WL55JC is dual core. Is it correct that most examples use single core?  If so, do they use the M0 or M4 core?  Does the examples applicable to STM32WLE5JC?  Does the HAL layer make the C code...
Any idea to open the MX and see how clock is setup?This project was created on TrueSTUDIO as reported in the error message (old_MX_IDE.jpg).  Hit CONTINUE or MIGRATE give same error message (continue.jpg).Seem it says needing MX 5.3.0 and FW_F1 V1.8.... advises on opening this?  I brought the needed Hardware Nucleo F401RE.  However the latest IDE and MX are not able to read the project.What is the general advises and procedure to port be...
Further to this earlier post, any chance now is a BMA400 SPI library already ported to STM32CubeIDE?Many thanks