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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.15.1 released

STM32CubeIDE 1.15.1 was released on as well as an in-tool update patch aligned with STM32CubeMX v6.11.1 that is available for download. Main issues fixed in this patch: Ticket 177978 : Fixed an issue with ST-LINK firmware upgrade concerning th...


Hi,I have doubt with the spi communication setup in this configuration. I'm using two sensors where one of the sensor only support 3 wire spi and another  is 4 wire .I have a single spi in mcu. The hardware setup is followed by mapping four wire spi ...

STM32CubeIDE 1.14.0 pattern recipe problem

Hi,I have project for STM32F405 created manually. Project is using fixed GCC 4.92014q4.After updating STM32CubeIDE to version 1.14.0 i got warnings shown below.Compiler option "Cyclomatic Complexity" is disabled.File "" contains this rule:# ...


Resolved! ST-link v2 running on STM32Cube Programmer

I've recently bought a cheap Chinese ST-link v2 clone. It uses a Geehy APM32 MCU. Which is I guess  STM32 clone. I've since replaced it with a genuine STM32 MCU and st-link firmware. I was able to run it on  STM32 ST-link utility. But failed to run i...

stm32 I2c won't send data

I am trying to get to use I2C on my stm32L4R5ZIT-P.i am trying to configure a sensor by sending data but the I2C pins wont give a signal?i dont ude interups or DMAthese are the pins that i use and the setting for I2C: this are the includes i usethis ...

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Resolved! .ELF mismatch issue

If i compile the same source code in different pcs using same STMCUBE IDE version , Whether i will get same .ELF file?In my case, If i do a comparison(using beyond compare),its not matching and there are significant difference between the two .ELF fi...

KJ.4 by Associate III
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