User Activity

Hi,I'm using CubeIDE 1.9.0 with X-Cube-TOF1 package 3.0 on a Nucleo-F401RE with VL53L5A1 expansion.I want to create the simple ranging example application with additional crosstalk calibration. I followed the steps from software package user manual U...
Hello,I want to evaluate VL53L3 / VL53L5 devices. The end application will be behind glass with a distance of ~20-30mm between sensor and glass. I've Nucleo and Satellite boards for the two sensor types and setup a corresponding test environment wher...
Hi,I'm struggling with the BSP LCD functions. The goal is to display an image which has transparent background. I'm working on STM32F429I-Discovery board, using BSP LCD drivers.Since the BSP_LCD_DrawBitmap() function seems to expect a real BMP file, ...
Hello,I wonder if it's possible to use the CubeMX user parameters or generated constants within CubeMX itself.For example, the FMC configuration allows to calculate the origin and size of a given memory, let's say SDRAM. The LTDC configuration needs ...
Hello,I've a strange problem with CubeIDE 1.6.0, there's no binary or hex file output even if the corresponding outputs are activated under MCU post build outputs. Any ideas what might be the issue there?Regards
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