STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Forum Posts

Matter software expansion for STM32Cube

Dear all, The X-CUBE-MATTER Expansion Package is now available on our official website following this link  MATTER - Matter software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics  It is a reference implementation for the demonstration of Matter on ST...

Ouadi by ST Employee
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Resolved! STM32WB55 Shutdown mode

Ciao,I am trying to put my STM32wb55 in shutdown mode and wake it up using 2 external pins.Wake-up sources are on PA0 (active high) and PC12 (active low). Those should be PIN1 and PIN3 wake-up sources.This is the code I use to put the device in shutd...

VM by Associate
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Resolved! No SubGHz interrupt on STM32WLE

I use a RAK3172 module for a 434 MHz LoRa APRS application but I don´t get a SubGHz interrupt during transmission. The output from my code is the following:APRS DemoApplication version: V1.3.0Radio version: V1.3.0Radio settingsLoRa Bandwidth: 125 kHz...

Kampi by Associate III
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Disable frame-counter validation in end node

Hello,I have an end-node device based on STM32WLE5CBU6.The end node sends data in every 10 seconds to the gateway.when I reset the End node device the uplink frame count in the end node resets to 0, at this moment the gateway shows a frame counter va...


Resolved! I cannot see some BLE tabs in CubeMX

Good day, I am working on a custom BLE p2p server using the STM32_WPAN, library. I am working on the STM32WB55 chip with FreeRtos enabled. When I follow the STM32 Bluetooth tutorial on youtube, I realized that many tabs were missing on my setup. Is t...

AMuya.1 by Associate II
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Hi everyone, i would create a LoRaWAN project in which both end-node and gateway are implemented by a NUCLEO-l476rg, because i haven't a gateway. The fictitous gateway is connected locally, with UART, to a python app on my pc, to handle the informati...

STM32WLE5CCU6 RF Range issue

Hi,We have a project in which we are using the STM32WLE5CCU6 and we are trying to communicate through its RF but we are getting range upto 200m while we are expecting range in few KM. we have tested our board with the nucleo-wl55jc1 default antenna. ...

Shariq by Associate II
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