STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Forum Posts

Matter software expansion for STM32Cube

Dear all, The X-CUBE-MATTER Expansion Package is now available on our official website following this link  MATTER - Matter software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics  It is a reference implementation for the demonstration of Matter on ST...

Ouadi by ST Employee
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BLE Receiving Data

Hello everybody, I am currently building a STM32 BLE software and in this software I got a very long custom loop. My problem is I want to continously check whether there is data received with BLE, if there is, process the data, and return to main loo...

Yusuf by Associate III
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STM32WB5MM BLE Idle status

Hi, I'm developing a BLE P2P application to exchange data. I have encountered a problem while debugging. The status for the BLE when turn on is APP_BLE_FAST_ADV, but when I restart the debug sessions the status is APP_BLE_IDLE. It looks like the CPU2...

NUCLEO-WL55JC Distance Range

Hello ST Expert ,I'm using the NUCLEO-WL55JC1 for my project as Gateway and End-device.I have one Gateway and 4 end device ( based on the same baord ) , i don't made any hardware change , and I'm using the SW delivered by STMicroelectronics.I have an...

STM32WB55CEU6 BLE not working

Hello,We are using STM32WB55CEU6 in one of our project and we are facing the issue in BLE. We checked all the powers and soldering related things, everything looks fine. But BLE is not able to advertise.Also, from the firmware side the same code is w...

Nishantt by Associate II
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How can I get BLE client address from BLE server?

I use STM32WB sample code to build project and need to know BLE client address from BLE server during connecting request. if is possible, could you please point me what API or data structure I can study. thank regards,Langston

LChan.5 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32WL55JC

I am using STM32wl55jc1 nucleo board using subghz_phy_per application provided by "en.stm32cubewl-v1-3-0 SDk" using FSK Trying to communicate with efr32fg23 silabs rf module withe same rf freq is this communication is possiable if yes recommend any c...