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I have two STM32WB5MM- DK . Using an example for a diffrent board I have configured one of them as router and other as server. I dont know if they are getting connected.  I need to connect these exclusively and then connect the router to Mobile phone...
How can I make sure that the the router and server should work in a pair with no cross connection. Now I know both of these work as I can see on ST toolbox but how can I check if the are connected among them selves . I earlier modified an example to ...
I want to configure a stm32wb as BLE central and other as BLE peripheral such that they can exchange data. The combination of all this data also needs to be sent to a mobile phone. Can anyone suggest me a MOOC or may be a document that can  be used a...
I am using TOF vl53l8cx with stm32wb5mm-dk. I have used this sensor earlier with f407 and it worked completely fine . Now that I am working with a new mcu which only has 1 USART.  I am trying to LPUART for BLE and USART1 for tof BSP.When the function...
I am using Vl53l8cx with stm32wb5mmdk.  I am unable to initialize the sensor via this board. I used  it with a nucleo board and it worked fine, but I need a BLE-based controller to share data. SDA  and SCL are pulled up with 4.7k 3v3 is connected to ...
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