STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Forum Posts

STM32 WB55RGV6 OTA Firmware Update Project Error

Hello,I am trying to make a project for firmware update using OTA with ST BLE Sensor Classic on IOS device but I have a problem I watched the videos and try to understand how can I create a project for fimware update. I started with an easy one I run...

Memory.png WB55RGV6.jpg

Resolved! STM32WB55RG USB Device Not Recognize by Comp

Hi,I'm trying to use usb device of my STM32WB55RG Nucleo board but when I connect my device to computer, I got a "USB Device not recognized" error. I used "LL_HSEM_1StepLock( HSEM, 5 )" function before APPE init. How can i get rid of this error?Best ...