STM32 MCUs Wireless

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Forum Posts

HardFault Interrupt when trying to erase flash?

Hello...I am using a Nucleo WB55 board. I can run the FLASH_EraseProgram that comes with the WB55 example code successfully. I have pre-existing code and am trying to pull this into my code. I have checked the PWR and the Flash SFR in the debugger...

SWenn.1 by Senior III
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How to add new sequencer

Hello everyone, I am working with 3 stm32wl55JC module. 1 is receiver the other 2 is transmitter. The code has UTIL_SEQ_RegTask((1 << CFG_SEQ_Task_Sensor_Process), 0, Sensor_Process);I want to add another task which needs to work as endless loop....

AHakk.1 by Associate III
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I am using a NUCLEO-WL55JC1 and the LoRaWAN_End_Node example. I want to add USART1 to the example, so that I can forward the UART data over LoRa. The problem is that the interrupts for USART1 never trigger if the LoRaWAN process is also running.

If I comment out "MX_LoRaWAN_Process();" in main, then the USART1 interrupts trigger as they normally would. Could anyone offer some advice of how to add USART1 to the example?Kind regards

BBI Louw by Associate
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Resolved! How fast is EXTI in Stop-Mode and can I make it faster?

My expectation was that a pin-interrupt using EXTI will lead to wakeup times just slightly longer than the wakeup delays named in the datasheet (below 10µs), but what I see is this (falling edge on yellow finally reached the ISR on the magenta rising...

0693W00000Y8m9SQAR.png 0693W00000Y8mG9QAJ.png
OliM by Senior
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Resolved! How can enable the SYSCFG in STM32WB55RGV6

Hi,I want to enable the SYSCGF in STM32WB55RGV6 , but when ı look the reference manuel; it says that SYSCFG is on the APB2 bus however when look the APB2ENR register there is nothing about SYSCFG . What should ı do to enable SYSCFG?

MOB1 by Associate II
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