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LIS331DL SPI communication issue

Hi guys,   I met a SPI communication issue about LIS331DL. The type of kit board is MKI153. When I tied VDDIO and VDD to 3.3V, the data from chip register by SPI isn't correct. When I only connect VDD to 3.3v, The data  is correct.     The register i...

TommyMao by Associate
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Using LIS25BA with STM32L4 Nucleo Board

I am using STM32L452RE Nucleo Board and LIS25BA module.I2C works fine. I wish to get accelerometer data through TDM now. I am unable to do so. For now, I am using polling mode. The code I am using is given below and the SAI configuration I am using i...

Arka by Associate
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Resolved! PDM2PCM and I2S Data Frame relation

Dear @Eleon BORLINI​ ,I’m currently using the I2S peripheral to acquire from a digital microphone.The I2S is configured as:24bits on 32bit data frame22kHz sampling frequencyand the pdm library is correctly configured and I’m able to convert a single ...

frnt by Senior
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初始化寄存器的参数配置SPI_write_reg(FIFO_CTRL4, 0x00);//fifo——mode// SPI_write_reg(INTERRUPTS_EN, 0x00);//interSPI_write_reg(CTRL3_C, 0x05); //high_act no_resetSPI_write_reg(CTRL1_XL, 0xA4); //full_scaleSPI_write_reg(CTRL3_C, 0x04); //high_act no_resetSPI_write...

THSW by Associate II
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Resolved! STEVAL-MKI109v3 COM port not detected

Hi,I have STEVAL-MKI109v3 board and steval-mki186v1 sensor. I have connected the sensor to the board and if I connect the board to my laptop, the laptop is not able to detect the COM port of the board which is connected. It is not detecting the board...

AV B.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! LIS3DH consuming high current at interrupt

I am using a LIS3DH and I have configured a threshold interruption and it is consuming around 3mA while the interrupt is active. I have very strict power constraints and this consumption make it unreliable.I am using the driver implemented in Zephyr ... PRO SWD not connect target!!!

Hi, I purchased the PRO sensor, but I can't develop because it doesn't connect to the STLINK V2-1, in the datasheet it says:I connect adapter STEVALMK1 (that was inside the kit) with STLINK V2-1But I have the following error  the docum...

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LIS2DH12 stops sending interrupt

Posted on December 04, 2017 at 08:07Good day allMy LIS2DH12  seems to lock up or stops responding, it is connected to STM32L152 which is set to go into STOPMODE and wakes on interrupt. An I/O pin is configured as an  external interrupt and connected...

Resolved! (SOLVED) SPI communication problem with sensors

I'm using STEVAL-STWINKT1 (MCU STM32L4R9ZIJ6) and I'm trying to communicate with the motion sensors (ISM330DHCX, IIS3DWB, IIS2DH) by SPI3 interface (polling). I wrote a code very similar to that one present in the "Serial_DataLog" project, using HALs...

irene by Associate II
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