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lis302dl on STM32f407 VG Y Axis do not Change

Hello, I have been trying to make a accelerator project by using lis302dl accelorator on STM32f407 vg discovery card. There are three axis which are x, y and z. These have x, y and z variables according to position of lis302dl on the card. I have use...

Resolved! How to use LSM6DSO32X

Hi,I am using LSM6DSO32X using SPI communication in TI AM2634 Chip.By default, I made a packet of Ctrl1_xl and Ctrl2_xl to 0x10b0 0x1110, and the Accel data and GYRO data were output.I saw Datasheet, but it's too hard to understand what each register...

제목 없음.png
sygo by Associate II
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helloI'm currently using the LPS22DF pressure transducer, which can withstand up to 22,000 g, but since in the work environment there's dust and water, I'm going to switch to either the LPS28DFW or LPS33K since they're waterproof, but in their datash...

ljm by Associate III
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FP-SNS-DATALOG1 DeviceConfig.json

Can i reduce the sensitivity ("sensitivity": 1) for a microphone (IMP23ABSU) for it not to reach the 130dbSPL? What does the "samplesPerTs": 1000" translate to? Is the sampling frequency defined with "ODR": 192000" or "ODRMeasured": 192000" ? What is...

TomRett by Associate III
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Resolved! Unable to write registers for the LSM6DSOX IMU sensor

I am currently working with the LSM6DSOX IMU sensor from ST and I am unable to write to registers of the sensor.I am addressing the sensor via 4 Wire SPI.For example if I try to set the output data rate which is located in the register CTRL1_XL (0x10...

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Reewen by Associate II
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how to improve the actual ODR of LIS2DH12 ?

In my design, when setting the ODR = 100Hz or below ,  I can get 100hz INT signals , and received 100 sets vibration data every Second.  (Using XYZ data-ready as int1)and modify the ODR setting to 200Hz , just get 200 hz INT signals ,and received 145...

JohnGe by Associate
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[mems] speed prediction in the tunnel

Hello,I have question about gps speed prediction in the tunnel.When gps loses signal in the tunnel, we can not get any speed info from gps.In that case, can we predict speed using mems? If yes, how to solve that?Thanks in advance for your advice.Best...

Tiel by Associate II
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