Driver Example for L3GD20
Posted on December 09, 2013 at 13:20Hello to all, In order to ease the self learning process and setup ST's L3GD20, attached to this post is an example of its drivers setup for a general application. Thank you, Thiago Reis
Posted on December 09, 2013 at 13:20Hello to all, In order to ease the self learning process and setup ST's L3GD20, attached to this post is an example of its drivers setup for a general application. Thank you, Thiago Reis
Posted on December 08, 2013 at 13:47Currently evaluating KIT EVAL DISCOVERY STM32F3. Where can i download IAR workbench for KIT EVAL DISCOVERY STM32F3.Thanks,
Posted on November 27, 2013 at 22:37I am trying to setup the LIS2DH to detect movement and drive INT1. The documentation is not clear what needs to be configured to do this. CNTL_REG3 appears to select the sources for INT1. There are two that are ...
Posted on November 27, 2013 at 14:38Hi, my INT1-Line is static low: with: response = LIS331DLH_SetIntHighLow(MEMS_ENABLE); // Interrupt active low; and response = LIS331DLH_SetInt1DataSign(LIS331DLH_DATA_READY); I get the data only about p...
Posted on August 09, 2013 at 23:45I have purchased the STEVAL-MKIO62v2 evaluation kit and I am looking for the source code so I can rebuild the firmware for this board. Essentially I need the source code for the RTOS that goes on the MCU as well as...
Posted on November 02, 2013 at 05:06The LSM9DS0 datasheet only appears to mention the accuracy of the accelerometer!?!? So the gyro and magnetometer have no accuracy specification? Please explain!!
Posted on November 12, 2013 at 08:34Dear Team.I need to read temperature data from LSM303DLHC for temperature compensation of the accelerometer data.I use the STM32F3Dicsovery board and the ''stm32f3_discovery_lsm303dlhc.c'' library. I can read the...
Posted on October 14, 2013 at 15:04I have the STEVAL-MKI109V2 with the MKI135V1 accelerometer module. I've installed the Unico eval software v3.0.0.0. The COM port matches. There are no errors. I'm on Win7/64.There is no data.What am I missing?T...
Posted on October 10, 2013 at 02:52The RDY is used to indicate a new data is available. The problem is that the ODR can not greater than 160Hz,otherwise after a period of time of dataoutput,the RDY goes low,and the value of STATUS_REG is changed to ...
Posted on October 12, 2013 at 08:30hi,guysI'm working on LSM9DS0 with STMEVAL-MKI109V2,using 4-wire SPI communication?read gyro's WAI reg is ok if keep CS_G=0 and CS_XM = 1 after EVAL board power on, but if CS_G=0 after CS_G=1 and CS_XM = 1,read WAI...