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As title.When I open a .ioc MX configuration of a project with the newest version, the IDE hangs at "Initializing Device Configuration Tool".
I'm using the P-NUCLEO-WB55 development board, with only USB (CDC Device) enabled/configured through the STM32CubeIDE.I'm sending data from my laptop to the board over USB CDC (Virtual Com Port) in Full-Speed mode.Specifically, my laptop is sending 1...
When I use the IDE to configure USART1 in Half-Duplex mode, the GPIO setting is wrong.Indeed, PB7 is set instead of PB6.Also, its mode is set to GPIO_MODE_AF_PP instead of GPIO_MODE_AF_OD.This cannot be changed from the IDE/MX configuration wizard, u...
I'm using the P-NUCLEO-WB55 development board, and I'm using the IDE to auto-generate the project/code.However, the default linker script is mis-configured.indeed, the _estack variable is set to 0x2003FFFF instead of 0x20030000.The first address is w...
I'm using the P-NUCLEO-WB55 development board, with only USB (CDC Device) and USART1 enabled/configured through the STM IDE.The code is generated, I add my own code, I compile, program, test it, and everything works.However, whenever I close and open...
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