2013-09-07 9:15 AM
What are the differences between the L3GD20 FIFO and the LIS3DH accelerometer FIFO?
#lis3dh #l3gd202013-09-09 9:48 AM
Hello Naue,
Firstly the L3GD20 FIFO has 16-bit data stored rather than 10-bit data in accelerometers. Secondly, the L3GD20 FIFO has one more trigger mode which is bypass-to-stream mode. Thirdly, the L3GD20 FIFO can give FIFO empty interrupt. For more information, please visit Thank you, Thiago ReisFrom: naue
Posted: Saturday, September 07, 2013 6:15 PMSubject: What are the differences between the L3GD20 FIFO and the LIS3DH accelerometer FIFO?2014-09-24 12:52 AM
Iwant to use the L3G4200D in FIFO mode and get the interrupt 2 with a configurable watermark. This is my config: //set ODR (turn ON device) if(L3G4200D_SetODR(L3G4200D_ODR_100Hz_BW_12_5) == FALSE) return FALSE; //set PowerMode if(L3G4200D_SetMode(L3G4200D_NORMAL) == FALSE) return FALSE; //set fullscale if(L3G4200D_SetFullScale(FULLSCALE_250)== FALSE) return FALSE; //set axis Enable if(L3G4200D_SetAxis(X_ENABLE | Y_ENABLE | Z_ENABLE)== FALSE) return FALSE; //set watermark if(L3G4200D_SetWaterMark(20)== FALSE) return FALSE; //FIFO configuration if(L3G4200D_FIFOModeEnable(FIFO_MODE)== FALSE) return FALSE; //enable watermark interrupt on interrupt2 //when the fifo contains more than 32 elements, the interrupt raises if(L3G4200D_SetInt2Pin(WTM_ON_INT2_ENABLE)== FALSE) return FALSE; //interrupt pin mode configuration: PUSH_PULL or OPEN_DRAIN if(L3G4200D_SetIntPinMode(PUSH_PULL)== FALSE) return FALSE;// //configure interrupt 1 if(L3G4200D_SetInt1Pin(I1_ON_PIN_INT1_DISABLE)== FALSE) return FALSE; //X and Y high threshold interrutps if(L3G4200D_SetIntConfiguration(INT1_OR | INT1_ZHIE_DISABLE | INT1_XHIE_DISABLE)== FALSE) return FALSE; //interrupt latch disable if(L3G4200D_Int1LatchEnable(L3G4200D_MEMS_DISABLE)== FALSE) return FALSE; I never receive the interrupt 2 (FIFO Interrupt), is there any configuration missing ?