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Forum Posts

LSM330DLC i2c vs SPI

Posted on November 21, 2012 at 23:48Can the i2c output be used for maximum data rate or is SPI necessary to get full bandwidth out of this sensor?What is the meaning of ODR and BW in the data sheet? Thanks,Alex

LIS3DH g value representation

Posted on November 16, 2012 at 22:22Hi all,is there anybody worked with LIS3DH accelerometer?i am very confused about axis value represeintation.when the scale is 8g, z axis value is 16 but the other axises are 255 in decimal.How can i represent the...

DFU bootloader

Posted on November 05, 2012 at 11:58I have the STEVAL-MKI062V2. I erased the original flash contents and downloaded my own code.Now I want to put again the old flash content to use with the iNEMO Suite application. I have the iNEMOV2_Firmware_Packag...

I2C not write

Posted on October 24, 2012 at 18:01Good afternoon ...I'm using PIC16F886 with LSM303DLH and am only able to read the records, I am not able to write.For example: I am trying to write to the registry MR_REG_M, 0b0000000. But when I do the reading is ...

Problem with LSM303DLM compass

Posted on September 13, 2012 at 07:51I am trying to calculate the heading of the 3 axis compass and stuck with this issue that I can't solve. when I read the compass output register viz.0x03 (x_msb),  0x04 (x_lsb),  0x05 (z_msb),  0x06 (z_lsb),  0x0...

Accessing iNEMO from an embedded linux device

Posted on September 25, 2011 at 18:13has anybody tried accessing the iNEMO board from an embedded linux device using the usb interface? I am able to power the iNEMO from my device and also able to load a usb-serial driver. What I don't know is the c...

csuson by Associate II
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inemo V1 communication protocol

Posted on August 02, 2012 at 06:13I have the problem with usage STEVAL-MKI062V1 evaluation board. My task is to develop the linux program, which read the information from inemo V1 sensors. I can't find the V1 board communication protocol in the Inte...

RE programming of STEVAL-MKI109v2 board

Posted on September 24, 2012 at 07:19hi,i have steval-mki109v2 board with steval-mki108v2 i want out put data from it's uart port , not through usbhow to reprogram dis board?what are changes in firmware ? to do this #steval-mki109v2

jaydip by Associate
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