MEMS (sensors)

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Resolved! Do the LSM303AGR CS lines have internal pull-downs?

Posted on October 10, 2017 at 21:50 Do CS_XL and CS_MAG have an internal pulldown so if they are left floating there are no issues?Will it hurt the part if INT_1_XL and INT_2_XL are connected to 0V as long as we don�t try to use them? What happe...


The fluctuation in the readings from a LIS3MDL sensor

Posted on October 11, 2017 at 11:12 I'm testing a LIS3MDL magnetic field sensor using an Arduino Pro mini.The Arduino IDE has a library for Pololu LIS3MDL module and example codes as well. I connected the sensor module to the Arduino via I2C and ...

M. Jeong by Associate II
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MKI109V3 board compatibility with MKI173V1

Posted on October 11, 2017 at 02:48Hi,  my question:  Is there a specific COM driver and specific GUI revision that I must download for this to work?I recently bought a MEMS mainboard STEVAL-MKI109V3 and board for LIS2DS12 p/n MKI173V1.   Here is th...

Resolved! LIS3MDL Doesn't Respond Properly Over SPI

Posted on October 08, 2017 at 06:56I am attempting to communicate with a LIS3MDL through the SPI interface, yet I am unable to get a single, valid response back. Moreover, the responses I am getting violate the setup and hold times on the SPI interf...

Tim S by Associate
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Interrupts arent working

Posted on October 10, 2017 at 15:14 i am working with the LSM9DS1.I want to read the accelerometer data using interrupts. The problem is that, when i enable the 'data ready interrupt'(INT_DRDY_XL) and read and printf STATUS_REG, to see whether one o...


Posted on October 10, 2017 at 03:45Hello,Has anyone written Arduino code (Arduino Uno with Arduino IDE) to read accelerometer values from the AIS1120SX using SPI that they are willing to share?-John

Resolved! LSM6DS33 self test

Posted on October 07, 2017 at 20:45Hello,I am using a Pololu Minimu9 v5. I successfully did a self test of the LIS3MDL 3-axis magnetometer and now I am trying to self test the LSM6DS33 with the procedure mentioned in the application note. My test ap...

LSM6DS3 Wake/Sleep Interrupt Fails to Latch

Posted on October 04, 2017 at 01:21I am using an♯/?tags=lsm6ds3 IMU. I intended to use the♯/?tags=sleep%20wakeup/sleep♯/?tags=interrupt%20issue to drive the MC...

[VL53L0X] PerformRefSpadManagement Error

Posted on April 27, 2017 at 11:42Hi, I'm using the VL53L0X satellite with the STM API.For the first time calibration I'm following the calibration flow proposed in UM2039.DataInit() and StaticInit() work well, but after using PerformRefSpadManagemen...