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VL53L0 API with Nucleo32L0

Posted on January 16, 2018 at 17:08Hi everyone. I'm trying to use VL53L0X satellites with my nucleo32 (STM32L031K6) but i'm having a lot of problems to integrate the API. I'm generating the initial code with STM32CubeMX and importing the project to ...

Resolved! LIS3DSH self-test function

Posted on October 06, 2017 at 16:09Hi all,I am trying to implement the self-test function of the LIS3DSH, but the results I am getting do not agree with the numbers in the device datasheet. Here is my procedure:1) Set -/+2g range and 400 HZ ODR.2) C...

LSM6DSL zero-g level offset accuracy

Posted on January 04, 2018 at 16:28Hi everyone,I'm using the lsm6dsl for acceleration measurement. But I'm getting big stationary offsets and I was wondering is that normal? Here are measurements from 5 different boards and all of them were carefull...

palenkic by Associate II
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Posted on January 12, 2018 at 07:51I need the MTBF/FIT rate for part number STMPE811QTR. Thank you.

LIS2DH: Minimum delay between commands during Self-test

Posted on March 28, 2017 at 17:08Hi,is it possible to know the minimum delay required to wait between register writing during the self-test?I write down my code, to make myself more clearwhile(1) { BYTE xH = 0; BYTE yH = 0; BYTE zH = 0; //HPF disab...

Resolved! FIFO rounding details

Posted on December 15, 2017 at 20:25Hi, I'm working with a LSM6DSMTR device connected via I2C to a Nordic Semi nRF52382.  I would like to use the FIFO feature and have a question about the address rounding:If I start the multiple data read at the FI...

Resolved! IIS2DH current consumption

Posted on January 08, 2018 at 16:39Hello,I am using IIS2DH to work for my application. But the problem rises when I measure the current it is consuming. At 25Hz with 40ms INT2 duration and Low Power Enabled with all axis, I am observing a current a ...