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IIS2DH Activity/Inactivity threshold setting

Posted on January 20, 2018 at 05:15Hi, I have configured accelerometer's registers as follows. So, from the activity threshold value how I know that at which raw value of X, Y, and Z axis it will be interrupted on a specific pin?////////////////////...

PIN outs for HTS221

Posted on January 28, 2018 at 06:52Is the pin out diagram on page 6 which is labeled ''bottom view'' actually a view from the top? VCC is in the upper left corner (pin 1).  The top side view shows the pin 1 ''dot'' also in the top left corner. and f...

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LPS22HB is giving same value

Posted on January 22, 2018 at 09:27Hi I am using  LPS22HB with my custom made board based on STM32F777. I am reading LPS22HB using the same driver as ST is giving. I always read the same value of pressure i.e 1847. Temperature value is also incorrec...

Queru on LIS3DH sensor

Posted on January 24, 2018 at 09:54Hi,I am working on LIS3DH accelerometer sensor, I have interfaced this sensor with STM32F103 series micro controller using SPI interface. When I read X, Y and Z acceleration values, I get some random readings and i...

IIS2DH capacitors to VDD line

Posted on January 28, 2018 at 00:34Hello,Is it mandatory that 100nF and 10uF to the VDD line has to be ceramic and aluminium respectively?Also, we had three custom boards built with IIS2DH. Surprisingly, all three were giving a different XYZ values ...

Why is my INT1 of LIS2DW always at high?

Posted on January 25, 2018 at 18:52Hi,    My problem is I can not receive the interrupt signal of INT1 when I using FIFO mode with FIFO buffer full trigger. I find the cause is that the INT1 is always at high, but I expect it should be rise high whe...

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LSM6DS3 Accel-Gyro Data problem

Posted on January 25, 2018 at 11:16Hi, i am using this sensor for a while now ,and i have a problem when i use together accelerometer and gyroscope. When i use them seperately everything works great, but if use both of them and acquire data from the...

Alex Dim by Associate II
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Data mismatching while Hard and soft reset

Posted on January 18, 2018 at 06:19Hello Miroslav, I have done following configuration for IIS2DH acceleromenter./////////////////////////// Sample Code ////////////////////////////////////////////////////response=LIS3DH_GetWHO_AM_I(&who_am_i); if(w...

Bluecoin microphone distances

Posted on January 24, 2018 at 11:39Hello,I have 2 questions about the microphone distance of the Bluecoin hardware.I have ordered this hardware to experiment with the microphones and the beam-forming algorithms and it works very impressive. I would ...

Marcel . by Associate
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