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Forum Posts

Is there an internal pullup of SPI data out?

I have a 10k pulldown on SPI SDO. I am seeing this pin sit at 1V when the device is not driving SDO, as if there is a pullup inside the device. There is nothing mentioned in the datasheet. When the device is transmitting on SDO the signals look fine....

ISell by Associate
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X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 and VL53L1X problem

Hello, I have X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 kit and now I want to work with VL53L1X sensors using this kit. As I understand, the only differences between X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 and X-NUCLEO-53L1A1 are:1. Different top sensor component2. Absence of 4 digit display on X-NU...

Kabron by Associate III
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It appears that the LIS3MDL SDO/SA1 pin is Internally pulled up. Is this correct, if so, is it controllable (Like the LIS3DH is) and why is it not mentioned in the datasheet?

Based on some other forum posts I can see with reasonable certainty that this pin is indeed held internally high. This is not mentioned anywhere in the current data-sheet, which advises that this pin can be held high or low to set different addresses...