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Forum Posts

Using STEVAL-MKI109V3 with Windows 10

Hi,I struggle to use the STEVAL-MKI109V3 board with Windows 10. The VCP serial port is detected, but the OS is unable to attach the right driver (a yellow exclamation mark is shown in the Device Explorer). Other STM32 boards with USB CDC do work fine...

how to simulate Sent protocol ?

Hello everybody,I wanted to simulate the Sent_Protocol with a STM32 µC or simulate it as if I had a sensor. and present this with oscilloscope. Now the signal should be like a normal PWM Signal look like. I really do not know how to generate this par...

Samuel1 by Associate III
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L3GD20H can't set Low_ODR bit

Hi everyone,I am using a L3GD20H gyro on a custom board. I am successfully talking to it and have been able to set the following registers to values:CTRL1_reg: 0x0F (power enabled, all axes enabled)CTRL3_reg: 0x08 (INT2 set for data ready signal)CTRL...

MMacL.12 by Associate
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Wrong accelerometer value from LIS2HH12

Hello!Have bought the STEVAL-MKI183VI for the LIS2HH12 device.The device are enabled for all direction by wrinting the following to the ctrl1 register   regData.ZEN = 1;  regData.XEN = 1;  regData.YEN = 1;  regData.ODR = ODR_100_HZ;  regData.BDU = 1;...

OChri by Associate
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