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There is any workaround for doing this with a LSM6DSL? I understand the available interruptions like WAKE_UP, significant movement,4D, 6D..... are designed for other kind of uses, mainly smartphones and wearables.But I need an interruption old-style...
Hi,I want to measure a static object and approximate tilt angle with accelerometer only data.With 303AGR e-compass I can easily configure the filters so a low pass filter can be set up in no time.With LSM6DSL I am a bit lost on where or what filter I...
Posted on June 26, 2018 at 18:17After properly setting up i2c with my choice MCU, INT1 is never fired. (I have tested with logic analyzer and INT1 pin is always low, and its configured as active high) lsm303agr_xl_block_data_update_set(&dev_ctx_xl, ...