MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

BLE_SensorDemo increase audio GATT Char value MTU size

I have an STM Blue Tile and I want to send the data picked up by the microphone over BLE at a rate of 16KByte/second without using the Codec. The out of box code in BLE_SensorDemo seems to pick up the audio using MEMS microphone at a rate of 8KByte/s...

PRiva by Associate
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Resolved! Different sensors with same name LSM6DS0 ????

Currently I'm working with an "old" IKS01A1 expansion board which should be populated with a LSM6DSO 3D acceleration and gyroscope sensor:But running the X-CUBE-MEMS1 software fails due to a wrong chip ID.The software expects 0x6C but the chip has 0x...

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What is the interrupt polarity

I am planning to use the LIS2DE12 accelerometer in a product and would like to know the polarity of the interrupt pins. On page 20 the datasheet states, that the default state of the interrupt pins is 'forced to GND' with a push-pull output.So that m...

Is a vapor process possible?

Hello,I have a PCB design using LSM6DSO, is it ok for the sensor to use vapor process during the reflow soldering? If not, what is the method to mount it onto the PCB?SincerelyYongkun Liu

YLiu.19 by Associate
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Resolved! Where to locate missing header files for VL53L0X API?

Hi allI am currently trying to integrate the VL53L0X sensor to a STM32F33R8 using CubeMX and KEIL, but I haven't had the best of luck...I am inexperienced regarding the integration of sensors and I2C.I have watched countless videos integrating differ...

ADP1114 by Associate II
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How to manage work of ST BVLinkV1 or ST BVLinkV2 software with ST BLE Sensor demo application on IOS platform (iPAD/iPhone) and partialy on Android platform?

Hi, Forum! Please help me to manage work of BVLinkVx software with ST BLE SENSOR Application!Currently, i have purchased these HW set:STM32 Nucleo 64 L476RG (dev-board)ST X-Nucleo-IDB05A1 (ble v4.2 dev-board)ST X-Nucleo-CCA02M1 (mems microphones dev-...

AHmel by Associate
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