I am trying to generate simple code to use with sensortile.box, where i have the LSM6DSO connected and BLE makes a virtual COM port. I HAD incorrectly set up CubeMX to generate the files, so it wasn't actually pulling in mems/ble files. And the binar...
I am already able to build firmware, which blinks LEDs, but I would like to cut some corners.
The STMicro's Cube-MEMS software contains a function "MotionMC_SaveCalInNVM()" with the comment "No need to call this function, library call this function automatically". I am running the Cube-MEMS code right now. I put a break in the code. But nothi...
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to solder the LIS3DHTR sensor with the vapor phase soldering process. I still checked the TN0018 document but couldn't find any hint.Thank you!
Hi, From where can i get vl53lx1 linux kernel driver?Is there any compatibility or modification required in vl53l0x to make it work for vl53l1x.Please clarify me on this.Thanks,
Indeed, the libraries <Wire.h> and Adafruit_TCS34725.h don't exist for IDE Cube MX.I succeeded to wire the sensor with a WEMOS D1 mini Pro board and a coding example form gitHub uploaded from Platform.io
Hello,I am trying to explore the SensorTile.box functionality using Windows and so far I did not have much success getting any information from it. Presently I am trying to use Unicleo GUI to see any data coming out of the box. So I flashed the binar...
Have you a sample code in mbed for read value of accelerometer characteristic from SensorTile.box with X-Nucleo IDB05A1