MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

Resolved! Unable to build FP-SNS-ALLMEMS1

Hello all,I recently got the and was trying to play with the all mems function pack (FP-SNS-ALLMEMS1) but had trouble building the project. I have added an image of the error that I get when I try to build the project. I was able to fl...

VRao.1 by Associate III
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Unico v9.3.0.0 missing 'ProfiMEMSToolV3.6.13.bin' file?

I downloaded the latest Unico ( and unpacked it. Since I'm running Windows, I followed the instructions to install STM32CubeProgrammer. But when I try update the firmware, there is no .bin file in the archive. It only contains a ....

SBrow by Associate
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Resolved! Multiple event detection on LSM6DSOX

I am developing a driver for LSM6DSOX. According to the datasheet, the module is capable of detecting free-fall, wakeup, motion detection, activity/inactivity, and so on.Is it possible, to configure multiple event detection interrupts (especially sin...

[LSM6DSL] Data loss during reading FIFO data?

Hi, I'm testing LSM6DSL FIFO mode. And I have a problem with output data rate.I don't have the problem with reading the data, but my problem is that average data output is about 96.5 samples per seconds while my ODR setting is 104Hz.And here is my qu...

MKang.1 by Associate II
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