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Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)

Hello,Trying to enter in DFU mode with the STM32CubeProg tool I get an unknown USB device error whenever I connect the to my computer.The installation of the STM32CubeProg tool included the ST-LINK drivers and the usbser port driver pa...

GRobl by Associate II
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Values from A3G4250D gyroscope have random ~1dps jumps

Hello, we're using A3G4250D in our project, and get data from it successfully in the stream mode, but, it accured, that from time to time there are random steps in the output data, and we have no clue on what can cause them. Did anyone meet such issu...

RZhar.1 by Associate
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IIS2DH datasheet : soldering information unclear

in the datasheet in section 3.1, it is mentioned to leave "pin 1 indicator" unconnected during soldering. Can this be clarified? Pin 1 is a functional pin and is always connected for a clock signal. How can we use this device if it is not allowed to...

LScho.1 by Associate
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LSM6DSOX : FSM interruption working only once after flashing. When I turn off and turn on again the device, the FSM does not work anymore ... Did I make a mistake in FSM configuration ?

Hello,I use the accelerometer LSM6DSOX. I want to get an interruption when the norm is above 8g. So I try to use the FSM and configure it. When I flash (for the first time) the system, everything works perfect ! But when I remove my battery and put i...

LIS3DH configuration setting for INT2

I have seen that this query has been asked previously but there was no answer to it.Therefore, I am raising the issue again here as follows: Currently, I am using INT1 for free fall detection which is already outlined in the AN3308 application note. ...

LIS2HH12 datasheet (rev 5) errata: purpose of DFC bits

Not sure if this belongs to the forum or whether I should better file a support request.I'm referring to revision 5 of the datasheet of LIS2HH12.On page 33, table 27, the function of the DFC bits are misrepresented as a high-pass cutoff frequency ins...

I need help to develoop my own firmware for STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1

I'm doing a final project with the STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1. I need to read temperature and sleep the tile box for a long period to save batery. I've never worked with MCUs, only with computers. Someone kwnows where I can find information about how to do it?...

NMart.1 by Associate III
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IIS3DWB return zero

Hi,I'm trying to get an IIS3DWB up and running. If I read the register "WHO_AM_I", however, I only get "0" back! The SDO signal changes from "1" to "0" after 8 clk cycles and only changes again when CS becomes high.The IIS3DWB data sheet does not con...

FAsch by Associate II
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