MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

Use RasPi for evaluation of I2C sensors resp. IoT devices

Electronic designers can leverage worldwide “maker�? trend and use off-the-shelf easy-use platforms like Raspberry Pi for IoT demos or for evaluation purposes - at least as a starting point before you select a suitable component and eva board, tools,...

Kersten by Associate II
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FlightSense part with fastest sample rate

My application is uses a linear array (18 sensors) for object presence detection at a fixed distance (~70mm). A range threshold setting is used. The range measurement is not read, only the interrupt is used indicating the presence of a moving object....

CJani.1 by Associate II
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Issue with flashing sensor tile with st-link and st-flash.

I'm seeing the below issue with flashing firmware on the sensor tile device. I'm trying to test the ble_sampleapp for the sensor tile device. When I use the STM32Cube IDE with a nucleo board as a debugger, I'm able to run the code on the sensor tile ...

PTeja.1 by Associate
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How to read raw data from LSM6DSL?

LSM6DSL is connected to processor via i2c bus Following are the configuration made in dts and config file:imu: st-lsm6dsl@6b {        compatible = "st,lsm6dsl";        reg = <0x6b>;    };config fileCONFIG_IIO_ST_LSM6DSX=yCONFIG_IIO_ST_LSM6DSX_I2C=yI ...

RMath.3 by Associate
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Resolved! Coding sensor fusion application on

In order to do bench-marking of the work of sensor fusion I wanted to create a code application to test it out. The one provided as a part of the phone app doesnt work reliably, also wanted to code it myself. I was checking intro provided on the webs...

VRakc.1 by Associate II
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How do I initial CS43L22 on STM32F407G?

Hi,I tried couple to run my code, but I can't just hear any noise or beep. I am very new to this.One issue that I found is SPI3->DR is not receiving anything during debugging.Here is my code and correct me,#include <mbed.h>#include<I2C.h>#include <st...

BC.1 by Associate
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H3LIS200DL doesn't generate an interrupt

I am trying to get an interrupt when exceeds the limit (for test, 1g), but couldn't see any changes on INT1 line.I have configured H3LIS200DL INT1 (INT1_THS is 0x01, INT1_DURATION is 0x03, INT1_CFG is 0x63). I am getting OUT_X, OUT_Y, OUT_Z between -...