LIS2DE12 Interrupt 1 is not working.
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HelloI am using the LIS3DH to detect an impact on a vehicle. Our layout does contain only one interrupt pin, so I have to switch during the event.Init:Clear all registersCTRL_REG1 (400Hz, XYZ enabled)= CTRL_REG1_ODR2 | CTRL_REG1_ODR1 | CTRL_REG1_ODR0...
In past, ST launched an angular accelerometer sensor, but now can not find your website.
Hello,We are using LIS2DH12 in one of our product. it is working fine. However during pilot production we found that out of 100 units, 1 unit is not allowing any I2C operation.When we probed on DSO, we found that it is not returning ACK for I2C addre...
Now I am using LSM6DSO sensor pedometer function. I found it is too sensitive and want to change it. I found four pedometer settings. They are ****_CMD_REG, ****_DEB_STEPS_C, ****_SC_DELTAT_L, ****_SC_DELTAT_H. I can just understand the function of t...
Hi,I am working on designing Obstacle Detection Sensor using VL53L1CB sensor. I have mounted sensor on height 10 cm from ground because till 7cm it was detecting ground.I have tested the range with target of different dimensions, i observed that with...
Hi, Everyone.I wanna know this transistor's Vgs and device datasheet.As I know the device number is 'STD 6N80 series', is that right??Thank you for helping me.
Hi, I'm Emily Ha.I wanna know this component.'358 MZ839' and I attached the picture of it.Fortunately, I've got reference PCB from my senior, but I cannot find out what it is.I think this component as a amplifier (but I am not sure :( )Please, help m...
For IIS328DQ, if the threshold is set to 0.25g, does this mean that it will interrupt if either X, Y, or Z changes more than 0.25g? Our application is to detect a vehicle is moving or not. What is the best threshold to set for this application?