Hi,I am trying to upload a new example binary on to the device. The binary is from here:https://my.st.com/content/my_st_com/en/products/embedded-software/mcu-mpu-embedded-software/stm32-embedded-software/stm32-ode-function-pack-sw/fp-sns-datalog1.lic...
I have lsm6dso imu. I want to use wake up interrupt for two different thresholds at the same time,for example I want to give wake up threshold 1g for interrupt 1,I want to give 500 mg for interrupt 2. And duration will be different.I change the value...
Hello,Could you share any examples of I2C communication implementation between STM32L011 MCU and temperature sensor using Low-Layer (LL) API? I am trying to read temperature values from temperature & humidity sensor HDC2080. I found a library for thi...
Hi @Eleon BORLINI I have couple of question for youIs it possible to run STSW-STWINCELL using Tickless Low Power Mode on a Battery? Do you have any other suggestionsWhat drivers and middleware we need to upgrade so we can use Monarch GM01Q-STMOD exp...
Hi,I am trying to calibrate my IMU on a custom board using X-CUBE-MEMS package. However there is no support for the LSM9DS1 part. I've seen on the community that the alternative for the Accelerometer+Gyroscope is the LSM303AGR library. However, this ...
I have LSM6DSO sensor. I want to use fsm. In application note, I did not understand how thresh1 is calculated . For example it is written that B7AEh (-0.480)3C00h (1.000)27AEh (0.030)34CDh (0.300)I did not understand how this conversion is done.
Why did you guys remove the feature of resetting the timer for LSM6DSO IMU? It was available in LSM6DS3 by setting AAh in TIMESTAMP2_REG (42h).How do we reset the timestamp value in FIFO (LSM6DSO chip)?