MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

I have lsm6dso sensor. I am using fsm interrupt for different events. I have 3 programs in fsm. When the event detected, interrupt comes.I gave three fsm program to same interrupt pin. But I want to know which fsm event detected ?

I have lsm6dso sensor. I am using fsm interrupt for different events. I have 3 programs in fsm. When the event detected, interrupt comes.I gave three fsm program to same interrupt pin. But I want to know which fsm interrupt detected .When I read the ...

Iakgu.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STTS22H - I2C Address Setting

Hello,In the data sheet of the sensor (, it's mentioned that to set the Address we need to connect the ADDR pin whether to VDD (to have the address 0111000) or to GND (to have the address 0111111),...

OHADD.1 by Associate
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Resolved! lsm6dso fsm filter

I have lsm6dso imu sensor, I can add high pass filter or slope filter for wake-up interrupt.Is it possible to add filter to fsm interrupt ?

Iakgu.1 by Associate III
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LSM6DSO FIFO Timestamp Gets Reset After 0xFFFF

Any ideas on why the timestamp gets reset in FIFO after 0xFFFF? I have TIMESTAMP_EN bit of theCTRL10_C register set to 1 and the DEC_TS_BATCH_[1:0] bits of the FIFO_CTRL4 are set to 01 (max(BDR_XL[Hz],BDR_GY[Hz]) [Hz]).

BDiva.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! How is marked IIS3DWBTR?

Hi Community,We send to manufacturing PCB to our supplier but he has a problem with the mark(attached) of the sensor IIS3DWBTR, and we want know if the brand is correct for component, we try to read the image as Qr Code and result is 780270TU01RY, bu...

MSierraA by Associate II
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