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Resolved! LIS2MDL Axis Directions

Figure 2 of the LIS2MDL datasheet shows the following picture of the magnetometer axes orientation. However, it's completely unclear if they are labeling the positive direction of the axes. If they did label the positive directions with the X/Y/Z lab...

JCond by Associate
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Resolved! The ID value read by ism330dhcx chip is always 0

Hi, stThe MCU platform I use is nrf52840. The sensor uses steval-mki207v1. The hardware connection method is mode 1. The SPI mode of MCU is mode0, the frequency is 8MHz, and the bit order is MSB first. On this premise, no matter how many times I read...

6June.1 by Associate II
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LPS22HH reporting inaccurate raw pressure values

I am currently interfacing the LPS22HH component and have been encountering some very strange pressure data.Currently I am interfacing this in I2C mode and reading the pressure sensor values from PRESS_OUT_XL (28h), PRESS_OUT_L (29h) and PRESS_OUT_H ...

DN_1 by Associate II
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LSM9DS1 SDO not tri-stated

I need several LSM9DS1 sensors one the same SPI line. However, I noticed that when CS is high, SDO (aka MISO) is not tri-stated but pulled down to GND.I thought this was due to the default double-interface (SPI/I2C), so I have enabled the I2C_DISABLE...

DMona.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Need help in selecting an accelerometer for my application.

I want to ensure that the user fits our portable battery powered radar onto the back of a vehicle in the correct orientation. I want to monitor this using an accelerometer, I am considering using the LIS2DH12 but I'm not sure if this is suitable and ...

TMahm.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! Temperature offset in LSM6DSRX's Temperature sensor

I'm using the temperature sensor in LSM6DSRX.In page 12 (4.3 Temperature sensor characteristics) of the Datasheet (see the image), what is "Toff" (Temperature Offset)?The Table 4 gives a range of -15 to +15 C for Toff, what is this range for? The Tab...

AFars.1 by Associate
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Using LIS3DH with VDD only and using VDD_IO for setup only.

Question is if I can use LIS3DH with VDD only (3.3v) , and VDD_IO (1.8v) supply only during configuration ? And in this case, what power use INT1 and INT2 pins ? If possible to run on VDD only with having them working (at least as OD ?).Datasheet is ...

GLuts.1 by Associate
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