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Forum Posts

VL53L1X does not boot.

I recently purchased VL53L1X ToF laser ranging sensor and for the last couple of weeks I am trying to make it work. Based on reference schematic from the datasheet I built the following setup:Using STM32L011 uCU, ULD API and LowLevel I2C libraries ...

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velizarw by Associate II
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Hello, I am trying to interface MP34DT001 MEMs microphone on STM32 BL475E Discovery iot board. I have tried using BSP for interfacing microphone but I am getting error in initializing BSP_AUDIO_IN_Init(AUDIO_INSTANCE, &MicParams) it is returning -9

I have checked -9 means failed to set clock. I have run debug trace on it, I have attached the point where it is thowing error. I am new to this kindly someone guide me what I am doing wrong. Or kindly point me toward any working implementation of MP...

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WIsa.1 by Associate
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VL53L1_PRESETMODE_RANGING, VL53L1_GetMeasurementDataReady()

Calling   status = sensor_vl53l1.VL53L1_GetMeasurementDataReady(&NewDataReady);from the Example, I get only status = 0 and NewDataReady = 0;I stepped into the functions down to the Device access via I2C.All went well so far. I got: gpio__tio_hv_...

ritzeng by Associate II
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VL53L1 2.0 Library

Unused code detected:VL53L1_Error VL53L1::VL53L1_RdByte(VL53L1_DEV Dev, uint16_t index, uint8_t *data){ int status; status = VL53L1_I2CRead(Dev->I2cDevAddr, index, data, 1); //FR bug :: I2CRead exits always with 0! why the following check? Unused...

ritzeng by Associate II
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