User Activity

Is it need to write '1' to SOFT_RESET bit field in CTRL2 register when you change settings for the sensor in CTRL1, CTRL3, CTRL4_INT1_PAD_CTRL, CTRL5_INT2_PAD_CTRL, CTRL6, CTRL7 register ?
Hi im using lis2dw12tr sensor with I2C protocol in my app and i configured sensor in powerdown CTRL1 register i writed 0x00.But i see that on the board on which sensor is placed has current consumption around 370uA. On the board with unmounted sensor...
Hi.When i power my board and everything else i configure sensor in continous mode and succesfully getting data for each axis. Board is parallalel to the floor then it means that for getting angle i need sensor data from x axis and from y axis. I trie...