MEMS (sensors)

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Forum Posts

I am attempting to use the LIS3DH in SPI mode The data coming back is always the same regardless of orientation of the device I have tired 2 devices and they are both behaving the same

I am bit-banging since my CPU doesn't have native SPI compatible with the LIS3DH.To initialize the chip, I write:0x57 to Control Register 1 (DATARATE_100HZ, XYZEN) {see pic CR1Write.jpg}0x80 to Control Register 4 (BLOCKDATAUPDATE, SCALE_2G) { see pic...

Jprab.1 by Associate
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How to match VL53L1 orientation with RoI X, Y parameters?

My application hopes to detect objects on a flat surface (e.g. table). I hope to place the VL53L1X in a vertical plane, close to the horizontal table top. Then I hope to be able to ignore reflections from the table itself by using the RoI feature. I ...

charles23 by Associate III
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Resolved! Bit endianness is an issue in bitfields?

Dear ST hello,I have a question about the bit field,I am using the stm32F429 discovery board, and I am working on the gyroscope Mems.if I declare a union like this:typedef volatile union { uint8_t All; struct { uint8_t Yen:1; /*X axis enable*/ ...

Cant get MKI109V3 to connect to PC

I have the STEVAL-MKI224V1A with the LPS22DF pressure sensor. This is attached to a STEVAL-MKI109V3 motherboard.I downloaded and installed the UNICO GUI version The GUI app opens as expected and I select the "Environmental Sensors" on the le...

jkain.11 by Associate II
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How to transmit more than 8bytes data via basic CAN Bus

Hi all!I have a problem with transmition/receiving more than 8 bytes of data between two STM32 MCUs via CAN-Network.I know, it is impossible to transmit more than 8 bytes of data via basic CAN Bus.I tried to create Command messages System.CAN Master ...

USolar by Associate III
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The VL53L0X‘s 0x83 address read content is 0x0.

I bought a  VL53L0X sensor, and download a example(it named vl53l0x-arduino-master) about it from github. And i found that the program stays consistent in the while ,as shown in the picture.So i want to ask the question is that why the 0x83 address r...

0690X000008BAw0QAG.jpg 0690X000008BAxIQAW.jpg
Xjihe by Associate
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Official library for LIS3DH with FIFO DMA transfer

HI, I am trying to develop a application with a accelerometer over 5kHz.I have some samples of LIS3DH. Does exits any repository of mem senc?I search in cubemx but is not there.I can write the library from datasheet but it is a lot of time and it wil...

tcg by Associate III
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