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Forum Posts

Flashing code with stlink does not run code

I used the STM32CubeIDE to make a simple LED flashing program for an STM32H753. When I run the code with the CubeIDE, it uploads and flashes the LED as intended.I would like to be able to run this code without the CubeIDE. I am on Mac and have stlink...

JKing.8 by Associate III
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cube-mx, xcube-ai, stm32h7 model generation.

Hello,Xcube-AI model generation. input file tflite.During model generation(Analise) i am getting error with Analyzing modelC:/Users/Yashwanth.LAPTOP-5EKATUMV/STM32Cube/Repository/Packs/STMicroelectronics/X-CUBE-AI/8.1.0/Utilities/windows/stm32ai anal...

Resolved! How to fix variables to a specific memory using STM32CubeIDE

Hello, everyone.I am using STM32CubeIDE.I want to position one variable in the .noinit section and to secure the memory location of this variable to 0x2001FF0.volatile uint8_t data1 __attribute__ ((section (".noinit")));I succeeded in using the above...

Ekim.1 by Associate II
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OPUS Codec library for STM32 MCU

I am trying to develop an OPUS Codec library for an STM32H723 Nucleo board. But I am running into build issues related to the specific STM32 target and/or intrinsics available. Has anyone successfully done this (created an Opus.lib)? If so, can you s...

MHoop.1 by Senior
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NUCLEO-H723ZG ITM printf / SWV problems

Hello!My new nucleo-h723zg board has just arrived and I immediately tried it with the updated STM32CubeIDE 1.6.0.The HAL driver is the latest: STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.9.0 I also updated the on-board ST-LINK/V3 with the latest firmware.Unfortunately, ITM p...

PTiha by Senior
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