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Hello there,After having installed both hardware packages provided by Mathworks coder embedded team:Simulink Coder Support Package for STMicroelectronics Nucleo BoardsEmbedded Coder Support Package for STMicroelectronics Discovery Boardsand while was...
Hello everyone!Do you guys know how one can establish a connection b/w STM32H7A3ZIQ and a potentiometer X9C103s? Do I need to include a new library for that in the main body of the program? if so, how? Are there any resources I may utilize to establi...
Hello folks,I am new to STM32 and have been using it (STM32H7A3ZIQ) for a while, everything was fine with download and debugging codes until a week ago when STM32CubeIDE suddenly has stopped launching the debug session. An error msg -failed to start ...
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