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Working with STM32H743IIT single CM7 core MCU I was managed to have a stable product with Ethernet connectivity. Thanks everybody (@Piranha especially) for your advicesNow I was going to implement secure communication over ALTCP instead of regular ma...
Hello!I need to debug multiple tasks but when I try to enable FreeRTOS support (Debug configurations/Debug/Enable RTOS proxy/FreeRTOS+ARM_CM7) I can't connect to my MCU (STM32H743) with a message box saying "Could not verify ST device" while console ...
While heavy updating customized DynamicGraph after some time (from 10 minutes to more then an hour) application goes to HardFault.Investigation shows that problem always happens inside TouchGFX library function CWRUtil::Q5 indexToScreenXQ5( const Abs...
Just noticed that my application TouchGXF task hanged. Other FreeRTOS tasks are continue to work.Debugger shows that problem is within core_cm7 SCB_CleanInvalidateDCache():/* clean & invalidate D-Cache */ sets = (uint32_t)(CCSIDR_SETS(ccsidr)); ...
Using TouchGFX with FreeRTOS I got ​very strange screen flickering issue. For me it looks like broken LTDC buffer addresses, but I have no idea how it could happen. is updated few times every​ second.And the thing wh...