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Hello,When creating a C++ Project for STM32F7 (my Board: Nucleo F767Zi) with LwIP and FreeRTOS with CMSIS V2 Layer, after 30 seconds up to a few minutes Ethernet communication stops working (Stuck in cmsis_os2.c at xSemaphoreTake (hMutex, timeout) )....
Hello everyone,I want to get 4Diac Forte, which will be added as a static library, working on my Nucleo F767Zi.I need FreeRTOS with LwIP, so I created a base Project in CubeIDE with FreeRTOS+LwIP which was running fine.Since the library I want to add...
Hello,I have a project with FreeRTOS and LWIP (plus some other stuff). I ran into the problem, that if I set the optimization for my project (-O3 in my case) I get weird communication glitches. For example I only get a reply every 3rd or 4th ping, Pi...
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