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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.17.0 released

We are pleased to announce to you that the release 1.17.0 of STM32CubeIDE is available. What is new in 1.17.0: Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX: Added the support for the STM32N6 seriesAdded the support for ...

Generating code for HTTPD in NUCLEO-H745ZI Board

Hi Team,"I am trying to configure an HTTP server on the Nucleo-H745ZIT6 board, which has two Cortex cores. I am using Cortex-M7 for this. After enabling HTTP in middleware inside LwIP, and generating the code, LwIP is placed inside the Cortex-M7 fold...

ggowd.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Unit testing and system initialisation code

I am currently working on testing of some code using a testing tool. As nearly all of the code interacts with the hardware, it is easiest for me to do this on the target. The tool automatically builds the test environment and allows files and/or func...

CTapp.1 by Senior
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Error when running Debugger in STM32CubeIDE

Hi,I want to load a program into my STM32U575 microcontroller using the STM32Cube IDE debugger.This is my Debug configuration:But when I run the Debug, I get the following error:        Why do I get this error and how can I fix it?Best regards,

1.png 2.png 3.png
mikel-m by Associate III
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Resolved! Project importation not working with STM32CubeIDE v1.9.0

Hello,I was working with STM32CubeIDE version 1.8.0 on a project. I just download version 1.9.0, trying to import the project.In the importation Wizard, when selecting the correct directory, the project name is displayed, but when clicking "Finish", ...

ANauz.1 by Senior II
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