I tried to start a new project with this device: STM32C031C6U6 , but IDE doesn't find it.
I updated the software, but the problem is the same, what must i update for find the device?
Good morningI must work to a board not projected from me with STC4054GR.The desgner has connect a led between VCC and pin CHRG (with a resistor) like a feedback for see the status (charging or not)I'm working with 2 board and i see 2 different behavi...
HiI have a problem with my board with STM32L496ZGT6.Some boards works fine (so.. i think there isn't a project problem) some boards are in loop during the power on.I exaplin better:Here a function in main.cpp: /*Configure the main internal regulator...
I assembled 2 boards (my design) with STM32L496ZGT6P.I loaded the firmware..OK
The first board works fine
The second board sometimes doesn't power on. I checked the voltage (VDD).... is correct, but the microprocessor doesn't power on. It's a *** pro...
Thank you for your fast answers:I "inherited" this board and i didn't project this board, so i need time to replay your question.Here in main.cpp:#if USE_20_MHZ_CLOCK
//For 20Mhz core clock freq
RCC_ClkInitStruct.AHBCLKDivider = RCC_SYSCLK_DIV4;
Thank you for the answers.I share some screenshots from my board.After the power on, the board power on the buzzer and the display...but sometimes is all off and Vdd is 3.3V.I'll check again the soldering issue.