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STM32CubeIDE 1.16.0 released

STM32CubeIDE 1.16.0 was released today on as well as an in-tool update patch. What is new in 1.16.0?Microcontroller and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX v6.12.0 : STM32C0, STM32WB0 and STM32MP25XXAdded CMake support for multicontext projec...

All of my ST-LINKs stopped working in CubeIDE today.

It's the strangest, most frustrating thing I've encountered.  I have three ST-LINK programmers; two /V2 and one /V3.  All have been working fine for a good long time.Today, CubeIDE won't program my device anymore, through any of the three programmers...

Brian H by Senior
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Hi,I now implementing i2c with 2 stm board.The process is 1. Master transmit data 2. Slave receive and calculate some functions.3. Slave transmit that changed data4. Master receive it.with HAL_I2C functions.  I measure the SDA line with logic analyze...

eunni by Associate III
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Resolved! I cant see the trace in STM32

Hi,I would like to trace the variable through SWV data trace, trace log and also I want to get the data to plot via SWV Data Trace Timeline Graph. Eventhough when I make the required setup as below, I cant get the expected trace data, could you pls h...

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demir by Senior II
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Can't see memory uage at Build Analyzer

Hello! I have a STM32CubeIDE project that I run on a STM32WB5MMG module.I program it in debug mode and set a breakpoint in the code.When I open Build Analyzer it's empty. When I see other people open it, they get information about RAM usage. What hav...

DLid.1 by Associate II
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PWM Generation to Blink the LED Periodicly

 I am trying LED to turn on periodicly using PWM signal but ı cannot see any blinking on LED. I think that my fault is easy but ı could not find it. I am using Port D Pin 2 to blink the LED.    #include <stm32g0xx_hal.h>#include "stm32g0xx_hal_tim.h"...

Resolved! I2C

Hi,What I want to implement is I2C communication.There is one master(NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q) and slave(LK432KC). Master transmit TX_Buffer_1 which is double 3.0and Slave recieve it in RX_Buffer_1. Slave doubled RX_Buffer_1 and transmit to master. I use memc...

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eunni by Associate III
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I2C example`

Hi,I want to implement I2C communication.1 master and 3 slave, which transmit and recieve in both direction. Is there any common example of it?plz recommand website or documentation to study. I ask GPT4 several times but I'm not sure  Thank you.

eunni by Associate III
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Resolved! Sudden Error

Hi,I am currently working on a project using an STM32U5 series microcontroller, and I have encountered a significant build issue with numerous errors related to the HAL driver.Attached picture is just some of error code. (First and the last page)It m...

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eunni by Associate III
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Resolved! Join a font in a main.C

Hi everybody, After several attempts, I cannot correctly declare my variables in the files. I'm a little lost with file declarations to reach certain variables delcared elsewhereThis is why I decided to come and ask for help. I 'm actually work on a ...

JJoao.1 by Associate II
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