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Forum Posts

STM32CubeIDE 1.17.0 released

We are pleased to announce to you that the release 1.17.0 of STM32CubeIDE is available. What is new in 1.17.0: Microcontrollers, microprocessors, and board lists aligned with STM32CubeMX: Added the support for the STM32N6 seriesAdded the support for ...

How to Change The IROM Address

Hi, Is it possible to change the IROM address using STM32CubeIDE 1.3.0 ?since the default IROM address is started from 0x08000000. So, I would like to change it to 0x08002000. I attach a screenshot. Please see the picture. Please help. Thanks.

Mahendra by Associate II
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STM32Cube IDE support with SystemView

Hello,I am new to STM32 family and have been using STM32Cube IDE for the past 2 months. I am working on FreeRTOS based project and am looking to use SEGGER's Systemview. I am trying to follow the steps given but am unable to patch FreeRTOS folder and...

PSaga.1 by Associate II
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How do you get STM32CubeIDE to include the Nucleo BSP?

When starting a new project for a Nucleo board I select the Nucleo board in the board column and then I select Next and I see the pin diagram with the LD2 and B1 pins selected. But the BSP folder with *_nucleo.c and *_nucleo.h are not there and very ...

warm38 by Associate III
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What is the good way to import an STM32 project that compiles on a server which uses a makefile and no IDE into STM32CubeIDE in order to debug it.

Hello everyone,I want to debug an existing application (STM32F405) of my company which has been coded without IDE (so just makefile and gcc on our server) and using the stlink to flash. I imported this project with the option "makefile project" on th...

TKopp.67 by Associate II
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How to import existing project compiling on a server with gcc and "homemade" makefile to CubeIDE in order to evaluate the debug possibilities. How ITM is better than Serial and which features uses SWO ?

Hello everyone, I want to ask if there is a document or video that is a guide to import a non Cube project to CubeIDE. In my case, i have a well working project which is compiled with a home made makefile and gcc on my company's server. I want to do...

TKopp.67 by Associate II
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the gap between DAC DMA stop and start

Hi allI know the question title sounds weird but here is the actual thing I would like to know about.So, I have an array of 1000 bytes which I apparently use in the HAL_DAC_START_DMA function, and then start the DAC DMA trigger timer. This works supe...

0693W000007BxjAQAS.png 0693W000007Bxj5QAC.png
Mr ZEE by Associate II
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