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I added a pull down on the processor configuration inside cubeide and restarted the code generation (Alt + K), after which the subsequent compilation (Alt + B) led to a large amount of "multiple definition" errors.The first one is:D:/Interpreter/06_T...
Hi, I am attaching a simple .ioc configuration file with which I generated a new project using stm32 cubeide which when compiled generates a footprint of about 12kB.Frankly, it seems excessive to me, to the point of making this platform unusable for ...
Hi, I have this very simple code that sets generic flags to the desired value:struct GenFlgStr{ uint8_t F1 : 1; uint8_t F2 : 1; uint8_t f3 : 1;};struct GenFlgStr GenFlg;main{ GenFlg.F1=1; GenFlg.F2=0;}----------------------------------------...
Hello the pin definition> 7 in the stm32f1xx_ll_gpio.h file seems to be wrong: in fact when I use LL_GPIO_PIN_8 with the function HAL_GPIO_WritePin (GPIO_TypeDef * GPIOx, uint16_t GPIO_Pin, GPIO_PinState PinState)the ODR0 bit of the port concerned is...
Hi, I have to interface with an internet stick for example Huawei E3372-153, is there a reference project?